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It was pay day yesterday. It’s the last day of my holiday today. So it was a no brainer to pull out the magical duo that is Tool #9 Daily Self Care and Tool #19 Massage Therapies and book in a lovely relaxing facial at one of my favourite places. It was soothing. It was relaxing. It was amazing. As we have been away from home for 4 weeks I have been feeling a little apprehensive about bursting the holiday bubble that we have been floating around in for so long to head home to the “normal” routine... and packing has never been my most favourite holiday task. Meh. (I can feel the eye rolls from here 😅).I walked in...

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This morning I did a Birthday Facebook Live to welcome our new members and to share some exciting news about My Wellness Toolbox. If you have a Facebook account you can watch it via this link. Thank You again to everyone who has supported me and My Wellness Toolbox 🙌🏻😀

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Tomorrow is the 1st Birthday of My Wellness Toolbox (publication date). It was the response to the post that I have copied below that I shared on Facebook 3 years ago that led me to start sharing my “tools” in the first place, it amazed and saddened me how many people I knew who were suffering in silence. It all started with a few PMs with old and new FB friends, it took a while (thanks to the wonderful arrival of my baby girl), but this led to my lovely sister Claire & I creating the private SisterGoodness group in October 2017 to share all things positive and where over 26 weeks I shared my 26 tools... following some very...

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Have you ever been on the receiving end of “Music Shaming”? Criticised for your taste in music? Mocked by someone because your taste in music isn’t as cool as theirs?I have, many times. I love ALL music. I was born in the 80’s. This means my 10 year old (nearly on its knees) IPod is jam packed with all sorts and all flavours of music, ranging from the 60s to the present day. This also means when I play my positive playlist in front of a crowd I can be on the receiving end of eye rolls, comments about my crap taste in music, I have even had friends change the tune that is blasting out. Pretty harmless? It can...

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